Friday, June 1, 2007

Animal Farm #3

• who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main characters in the novel Animal Farm are Napoleon, Snowball, Boxer, Squealer, and Old Major. I do not really like them, but they give a good picture of humans trying to take over something and over using their power for no reason to help. My favorite character is Old Major because he was the one who had power and had everything under control and was not dominating over his lower classman. He was the one who did not abuse his power like the other animals. After Old Major dies all of a sudden the other animals were fighting about whom being the top leader and get to take Old Major’s space. Since that happened, everything got out of control and the way the animals work was not scheduled well like Old major did. This reveals a lot of universal human experience. This shows how people could abuse their power by first using it for good and later using it for themselves. To make the life better in their own picture and making it better for others. Especially when a president is governing and just wants the fame and power and not helping the different people and different class. I believe this show more about leadership. Maybe kids or even student president thinks that since they have become president that they would not need to listen to others and think that they know everything and get to say that I have the power and you know nothing. This is a great example of different countries government, like North Korea, Russia, and China.

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