Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

I found some parts disturbing that makes me not forget about it. This story takes place in America where people are in war and no one cares. The cars are so fast that people could get a car accident instantly and the driver might not care about themselves getting killed or killing a person. It’s a place where people would not care about love ones trying to suicide or being dead. It is a place where it is hard to survive. One of the parts that were disturbing to me in the book was when Milldred took sleeping pills to suicide and Montag calls for help and the speaker says to calm down and not to worry and it always happens. It made me feel uncomfortable and sickening because the speaker seems like it is not something to worry about. They use this machine to take out blood and for the body renew clean blood so they could survive. Also when Montag hurt his leg and he kept on walking on that leg. This book has nothing pleasant or free for people to read it is uncomfortable and makes people want to squint so they can not read the book. In a way it is interesting. It makes people want to keep on reading and want to see what is happening next. There were too much detailed descriptions. I would say that it is memorable but it seems like it is not because I think memorable mean in a good way.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

It should be to commit suicide. Please edit your site. Mrs.Mc