Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.
The quote that made me have an impression was on page 3 the first two sentences. “It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed.” I think this passage is meaningful because that is what Montag said to himself before and that is when he didn’t really know about the meaning of life. Later on, he noticed something after burning a house with a woman inside. He just like the attention of doing well in work, but now he learns that his work was useless to his life and wanted to help the world by reading books and spread the message of what the book was telling him. Tell them how much the people missed out when not reading the books. Montag seemed like a solid person with a shield before. After, he looked like he was trying to put down his shield and look around the environment. To not miss any detail out because the things he is missing out in his past was the most important part of his life. The stuff he thought that makes him satisfied are the stuff that became waste. When Clarisse motivated his new life that is when he started to think seriously about the way he behaves in life and wonders why he does the stuff he does. Thinking he had a great life, he had a life that was important to him. When Montag started to listen to Clarisse more, he noticed the important stuff in life and has almost all of his questions answered.


Esther* said...

I agree with you that this passage was powerful and strong.
However, I interpreted in different view. I think this passage shows how people have desires to destroy and how we get pleasures from actually "changing" or even "ruining" something. We feel alive and see the evidence of our existence from doing it, and that is what author tried to tell through out this passage and throught out actions of Guy Montag.
Government actually uses this fact to manipulate people to chase after pleasure and entertainment only, and think less about war and the reality.

African Globe Trotters. said...

I agree with you Esther. Our sinful nature encourages up to act rashly. Mrs.Mc