Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Fahrenheit 451-3

Who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?
The main characters in the novel Fahrenheit 451 are Montag, Faber, Mildred, Clairsse, and Captain Beatty. I didn’t really like all of the characters. They all had their own characteristics, but the only person that I think of when I read this book is Claire. Claire is a seventeen year old girl who is “like” regular students except isn’t like the others in this book. Clairsse is the only one who noticed everything in that world. She is like a god who looks down from the sky and observes things. It seems like that because she doesn’t look like a girl who was part of that world and has never really contributed to the stuff people don’t notice. People like Guy Montag are a type of person who wouldn’t know anything until someone gives a hint to him. I believe he is a type of guy who starts to understand what humanity is like and wants to save the world from being in great danger. The life itself could be corrupt. Montag was a fireman who never notice and exactly understand why firemen burns books, but he usually take books from the burning house and tries to read them. In the book is said that books should not be part of this world because it tells so much stuff and gives bad examples to people. He later turns his life upside down and starts to live dangerously and different from what he used to be. Faber is an old man who reads books and discovers stuff that Montag didn’t get to accomplish. He was in a position who won their life out, but instead Montag was too late and is running from the people who are trying to catch him. Mildred is the wife of Montag. She didn’t really love her husband and never understand her husband too. Also she doesn’t really understand the way she lives. She never really looked beyond, but only looked at her life straight forward and only thinks that her life is useless. Captain Beatty worked with Montag in the fire department and noticed the fact that Montag is stealing books from the flaming house. They reveal the universal human experience by showing how books is a big part of our life because it shows that if they don’t read the books then they won’t really understand what is going on with the world. Without knowing anything around your environment would make your like a dystopian and wouldn’t satisfy the questions you have about your life. Why you do this and that.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

This post seems similar to 4. Please see me. Mrs.Mc