Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Entry of your choice
Why I picked this book.
I picked this book because it seemed interesting. Also I heard of the title many times that I wanted to start reading on the book. I did not know summary of the story when I first got it except for description of how the book is set up. The cover made me wonder why there was a burning book and why this book is famous. I guess maybe it is popular that is why I thought I heard of it before. Maybe there was a movie called Fahrenheit 451. I am not sure. It seemed like an adventurous book or something mysterious. Reading the blurb, I wondered why firemen were setting the fire instead of putting out the fire. There were so many questions that I wanted to read this book and answer my question. After I read this book, my questions were answered. I understand the moral of this book. When reading this book I didn’t know it would be science fictional. I got confused in some pages but understood that it was science fiction and not like a reality book. This book was interesting but was not my type of book of reading regularly. I guess it was a good experience to look at different books.


Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

I found some parts disturbing that makes me not forget about it. This story takes place in America where people are in war and no one cares. The cars are so fast that people could get a car accident instantly and the driver might not care about themselves getting killed or killing a person. It’s a place where people would not care about love ones trying to suicide or being dead. It is a place where it is hard to survive. One of the parts that were disturbing to me in the book was when Milldred took sleeping pills to suicide and Montag calls for help and the speaker says to calm down and not to worry and it always happens. It made me feel uncomfortable and sickening because the speaker seems like it is not something to worry about. They use this machine to take out blood and for the body renew clean blood so they could survive. Also when Montag hurt his leg and he kept on walking on that leg. This book has nothing pleasant or free for people to read it is uncomfortable and makes people want to squint so they can not read the book. In a way it is interesting. It makes people want to keep on reading and want to see what is happening next. There were too much detailed descriptions. I would say that it is memorable but it seems like it is not because I think memorable mean in a good way.


Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.
The quote that made me have an impression was on page 3 the first two sentences. “It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed.” I think this passage is meaningful because that is what Montag said to himself before and that is when he didn’t really know about the meaning of life. Later on, he noticed something after burning a house with a woman inside. He just like the attention of doing well in work, but now he learns that his work was useless to his life and wanted to help the world by reading books and spread the message of what the book was telling him. Tell them how much the people missed out when not reading the books. Montag seemed like a solid person with a shield before. After, he looked like he was trying to put down his shield and look around the environment. To not miss any detail out because the things he is missing out in his past was the most important part of his life. The stuff he thought that makes him satisfied are the stuff that became waste. When Clarisse motivated his new life that is when he started to think seriously about the way he behaves in life and wonders why he does the stuff he does. Thinking he had a great life, he had a life that was important to him. When Montag started to listen to Clarisse more, he noticed the important stuff in life and has almost all of his questions answered.


What is the mood of this novel? do you find this novel saddens you in any way? why?
The mood of the story Fahrenheit 451 was dark and not peaceful. It was also depressing in times and felt scary and over rated for kid around three. There were not any happy excitements in the story except there were always actions in the story. The story didn’t sadden me at all because the book didn’t appeal at me as a sad story but as a terrible life a person could get. I could see myself in the story and be a character that would suicide. Right now my life here feels normal and stressful, but I think that Fahrenheit 451 would be a stressful life for me and I think I wouldn’t last long there. I also think if you were in the story you would be sad instead. It seems like a life with no common scene. I guess if you look at the story in a different perspective maybe it is sad. The book could be showing us how our life could be trapped by rules that does not help us at all but makes us not have a mind of our own. Not have the freedom to say anything we want to say. No knowledge to know anything. The main character trying to fight his way to a rough goal would also be sad. This book could have two perspective and not have only one. The ideal of this book is mostly to be isolated, scared, and trapped and to find freedom. This book seems like the regular people are slaves and are trying to get out of the master’s house.


What is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

The main characters in the novel Fahrenheit 451 are Montag, Faber, Mildred, Clairsse, and Captain Beatty. I didn’t really like all of the characters. They all had their own characteristics, but the only person that I think of when I read this book is Clairsse. Clairsse is a seventeen year old girl who is “like” regular students except isn’t like the others in this book. Clairsse is the only one who noticed everything in that world. She is like a god who looks down from the sky and observes things. It seems like that because she doesn’t look like a girl who was part of that world and has never really contributed to the stuff people don’t notice. People like Guy Montag are a type of person who wouldn’t know anything until someone gives a hint to him. I believe he is a type of guy who starts to understand what humanity is like and wants to save the world from being in great danger. The life itself could be corrupt. Montag was a fireman who never notice and exactly understand why firemen burns books, but he usually take books from the burning house and tries to read them. In the book is said that books should not be part of this world because it tells so much stuff and gives bad examples to people. He later turns his life upside down and starts to live dangerously and different from what he used to be. Faber is an old man who reads books and discovers stuff that Montag didn’t get to accomplish. He was in a position who won their life out, but instead Montag was too late and is running from the people who are trying to catch him. Mildred is the wife of Montag. She didn’t really love her husband and never understand her husband too. Also she doesn’t really understand the way she lives. She never really looked beyond, but only looked at her life straight forward and only thinks that her life is useless. Captain Beatty worked with Montag in the fire department and noticed the fact that Montag is stealing books from the flaming house. They reveal the universal human experience by showing how books is a big part of our life because it shows that if they don’t read the books then they won’t really understand what is going on with the world. Without knowing anything around your environment would make your like a dystopian and wouldn’t satisfy the questions you have about your life. Why you do this and that.

Fahrenheit 451-3

Who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?
The main characters in the novel Fahrenheit 451 are Montag, Faber, Mildred, Clairsse, and Captain Beatty. I didn’t really like all of the characters. They all had their own characteristics, but the only person that I think of when I read this book is Claire. Claire is a seventeen year old girl who is “like” regular students except isn’t like the others in this book. Clairsse is the only one who noticed everything in that world. She is like a god who looks down from the sky and observes things. It seems like that because she doesn’t look like a girl who was part of that world and has never really contributed to the stuff people don’t notice. People like Guy Montag are a type of person who wouldn’t know anything until someone gives a hint to him. I believe he is a type of guy who starts to understand what humanity is like and wants to save the world from being in great danger. The life itself could be corrupt. Montag was a fireman who never notice and exactly understand why firemen burns books, but he usually take books from the burning house and tries to read them. In the book is said that books should not be part of this world because it tells so much stuff and gives bad examples to people. He later turns his life upside down and starts to live dangerously and different from what he used to be. Faber is an old man who reads books and discovers stuff that Montag didn’t get to accomplish. He was in a position who won their life out, but instead Montag was too late and is running from the people who are trying to catch him. Mildred is the wife of Montag. She didn’t really love her husband and never understand her husband too. Also she doesn’t really understand the way she lives. She never really looked beyond, but only looked at her life straight forward and only thinks that her life is useless. Captain Beatty worked with Montag in the fire department and noticed the fact that Montag is stealing books from the flaming house. They reveal the universal human experience by showing how books is a big part of our life because it shows that if they don’t read the books then they won’t really understand what is going on with the world. Without knowing anything around your environment would make your like a dystopian and wouldn’t satisfy the questions you have about your life. Why you do this and that.

Monday, January 22, 2007


Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? what are they, and how do they relate? does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?
There are current situations in the world that relate to the novel. For instance, In Fahrenheit 451 the main character named Montag has a problem with his wife. Their relationship is not stabled. Montag question was why he loved her or did he even love her. Kids in Africa wouldn’t have enough money to go to a school to get their education, but in the story people would burn up the books and not know anything about the society. Also in the book, suicide was not a big deal, but in our current world it still is instead it isn't important like it used to be. We sort of ignore suicide now days because it happen a lot and people are used to it for some reason. There are going to be better technologies and the technologies would take over, so people won’t have to worry about anything serious. The setting of this book is they people are in war but the people don't care. Right now people are like that. They don't so much about the war now days. Most of them are the theme of dystopian. Our life itself is dystopian. This is how the book and the current life related. Our life can be like Fahrenheit 451 if we don’t care about the little stuff and only think about the big stuff in life. Current situations could be resolved by fixing are bad behaviors of how we live. We should Notice what we have done before and what we have not done these days.


what is the major theme of this novel? why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The major theme in the book Fahrenheit 451 is based on dystopian. Dystopian means; humans having wretched living condition and also it have to relate to something bad. It isn’t happy or sad it is like hell. Maybe if we live in a dystopian then the humans would always be angry. This theme is important to teenager living in 2007 because we are living in a dystopian life, even though we don't notice it. For example wars are dystopian, pollution in the sky, car accidents, and family death. There is no world peace in this country. That is why we live in a “part dystopian” world or we might be living in a dystopian world. Nothing is a perfect living in this world. We just live in danger. There is no paradise in the world and there is nothing that makes people happy except for little thing like birthday parties and etc… We live in a world that has a lot of competition which might lead us to kill someone if we desire something. Our life is a calm dystopian life it isn’t fierce like Fahrenheit 451. Also for a teenager life, we might be having a fight with our friends and family. Some people could get out of the fight, but some people can’t. The stuff teenagers are looking for and wants to find is peace with relationship. Jealousy is also a dystopian with teenager’s life and adults. People who wants something and couldn’t get what they want would be jealous if someone got it. I believe our internal selves and external is dystopian.